Samedi 9 mars 2019 :: THE INSTRUMENT – Temporal, Terrestrial #4

Samedi 9 mars à l’Espace En Cours

à 20h


THE INSTRUMENT – Temporal, Terrestrial #4

is a series of performances, initiated by The Instrument in collaboration with creators from the field of music, dance and visual art. It unfolds single encounters, a focal point of passion and artistry shared between disciplines and artistic visions. Each performance is a blueprint, a manifestation of collectively directed sound, composition and imagery.…/Temporal,_Terrestrial_series.html

Gianna Grünig: dance
Marie Desoubeaux: dance
Justine Lebas: dance
Maya M. Carroll: dance
Nathalie Forget: Ondes Martenot
Roy Carroll: electroacoustic media

Entry: 7-10 Eur, sliding scale

Espace En Cours

56 rue de la Réunion

75020 Paris